# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r"""This module contains the pre-processing class.
:Authors: Kevin Michalewicz <k.michalewicz22@imperial.ac.uk>
import glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
import os
from utils.generic_utils import remove_abc
class Preprocessing(object):
r"""Generating the residue normal mode correlation maps.
data_path: str
Path to the data folder.
scripts_path: str
Path to the scripts folder.
structures_path: str
Path to the PDB files.
df: str
Name of the database containing the PDB entries.
modes: int
Number of considered normal modes.
chain_lengths_path: str
Path to the folder containing arrays with the chain lengths.
dccm_map_path: str
Path to the normal mode correlation maps.
residues_path: str
Path to the folder containing the list of residues per entry.
file_type_input: str
Filename extension of input structures.
selection: str
Considered portion of antibody chains.
pathological: list
PDB identifiers of antibodies that need to be excluded.
renew_maps: bool
Compute all the normal mode correlation maps.
renew_residues: bool
Retrieve the lists of residues for each entry.
cmaps: bool
If ``True``, ANTIPASTI computes the contact maps of the complexes instead of the Normal Modes.
cmaps_thr: float
Thresholding distance for alpha (α) carbons to build the contact maps.
ag_agnostic: bool
If ``True``, Normal Mode correlation maps are computed in complete absence of the antigen.
affinity_entries_only: bool
This is ``False`` in general, but the ANTIPASTI pipeline could be used to other types of projects and thus consider data without affinity values.
stage: str
Choose between ``training`` and ``predicting``.
test_data_path: str
Path to the test data folder.
test_dccm_map_path: str
Path to the test normal mode correlation maps.
test_residues_path: str
Path to the folder containing the list of residues for a test sample.
test_structures_path: str
Path to the test PDB file.
test_pdb_id: str
Test PDB ID.
alphafold: bool
``True`` the test structure was folded using ``AlphaFold``.
h_offset: int
Amount of absent residues between positions 1 and 25 in the heavy chain.
l_offset: int
Amount of absent residues between positions 1 and 23 in the light chain.
def __init__(
self.data_path = data_path
self.scripts_path = scripts_path
self.structures_path = structures_path
self.chain_lengths_path = data_path + chain_lengths_path
self.dccm_map_path = data_path + dccm_map_path
self.residues_path = data_path + residues_path
self.modes = modes
self.file_type_input = file_type_input
self.selection = selection
self.pathological = pathological
self.cmaps = cmaps
self.cmaps_thr = cmaps_thr
self.ag_agnostic = ag_agnostic
self.affinity_entries_only = affinity_entries_only
self.stage = 'training'
self.file_residues_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.residues_path, '*.npy')))
self.alphafold = alphafold
self.h_offset = h_offset
self.l_offset = l_offset
self.ag_residues = ag_residues
self.df_path = data_path + df
self.entries, self.affinity, self.df = self.clean_df()
self.heavy, self.light, self.selected_entries = self.initialisation(renew_maps, renew_residues)
self.max_res_list_h, self.max_res_list_l, self.min_res_list_h, self.min_res_list_l = self.get_max_min_chains()
self.train_x, self.train_y, self.labels, self.raw_imgs = self.load_training_images()
self.stage = stage
if self.stage != 'training':
self.test_data_path = test_data_path
self.test_dccm_map_path = self.test_data_path + test_dccm_map_path
self.test_residues_path = self.test_data_path + test_residues_path
self.test_structure_path = self.test_data_path + test_structure_path
self.test_pdb_id = test_pdb_id
self.test_x = self.load_test_image()
def clean_df(self):
r"""Cleans the database containing the PDB entries.
df_pdbs: list
PDB entries.
df_kds: list
Binding affinities.
df: pandas.DataFrame
Cleaned database.
df = pd.read_csv(self.df_path, sep='\t', header=0)[['pdb', 'antigen_type', 'affinity']]
df.drop_duplicates(keep='first', subset='pdb', inplace=True)
df['pdb'] = df['pdb'].str.lower().str.replace('+', '') # lowercase and remove '+' signs of scientific notation
df = df[(df.antigen_type.notna()) & (df.antigen_type != 'NA')][['pdb', 'affinity']]
if self.affinity_entries_only:
df = df[(df.affinity.notna()) & (df.affinity != 'None')]
df = df[~df['pdb'].isin(self.pathological)] # Removing pathological cases
return list(df['pdb']), list(df['affinity']), df
def generate_fv_pdb(self, path, keepABC=True, lresidues=False, hupsymchain=None, lupsymchain=None):
r"""Generates a new PDB file containing the antigen residues and the antibody variable region.
path: str
Path of a Chothia-numbered PDB file.
keepABC: bool
Keeps residues whose name ends with a letter from 'A' to 'Z'.
lresidues: bool
The names of each residue are stored in ``self.residues_path``.
upsymchain: int
Upper limit of heavy chain residues due to a change in the numbering convention. Only useful when using ``AlphaFold``.
lupsymchain: int
Upper limit of light chain residues due to a change in the numbering convention. Only useful when using ``AlphaFold``.
amino_acid_dictionary = {'CYS': 'C', 'ASP': 'D', 'SER': 'S', 'GLN': 'Q', 'LYS': 'K',
'ILE': 'I', 'PRO': 'P', 'THR': 'T', 'PHE': 'F', 'ASN': 'N', 'GLY': 'G', 'HIS': 'H',
'LEU': 'L', 'ARG': 'R', 'TRP': 'W', 'ALA': 'A', 'VAL':'V', 'GLU': 'E', 'TYR': 'Y', 'MET': 'M'}
if self.stage == 'training':
rpath = self.residues_path
rpath = self.test_residues_path
list_residues = ['START-Ab']
with open(path, 'r') as f: # needs to be Chothia-numbered
content = f.readlines()
header_lines_important = range(4)
header_lines = [content[i][0]=='R' for i in range(len(content))].count(True)
h_range = range(1, 114)
l_range = range(1, 108)
residue_type_range = slice(17, 20)
start_chain = 21
chain_range = slice(start_chain, start_chain+1)
res_range = slice(23, 26)
res_extra_letter = 26 #sometimes includes a letter 'A', 'B', 'C', ...
h_chain_key = 'HCHAIN'
l_chain_key = 'LCHAIN'
antigen_chain_key = 'AGCHAIN'
idx_list = list(header_lines_important)
idx_list_l = []
idx_list_antigen = []
antigen_chains = []
new_path = path[:-4] + self.selection + path[-4:]
# Getting the names of the heavy and antigen chains
line = content[header_lines_important[-1]]
if line.find(h_chain_key) != -1:
h_pos = line.find(h_chain_key) + len(h_chain_key) + 1
h_chain = line[h_pos:h_pos+1]
antigen_pos = line.find(antigen_chain_key) + len(antigen_chain_key) + 1
for i in range(3):
if line[antigen_pos+2*i+1] in [',', ';']:
antigen_chains.append(line[antigen_pos+2*i+2]) # If two (or more) interacting antigen chains present
# useful when using AlphaFold
h_chain = 'A'
l_chain = 'B'
antigen_chains = ['C', 'D', 'E']
idx_list = [0]
h_range = range(1-self.h_offset, hupsymchain-self.h_offset)
l_range = range(1-self.l_offset, lupsymchain-self.l_offset)
h_pos = start_chain
l_pos = start_chain
if line.find(l_chain_key) != -1:
l_pos = line.find(l_chain_key) + len(l_chain_key) + 1
l_chain = line[l_pos:l_pos+1]
elif self.alphafold is False:
l_chain = None
# Checking if H and L chains have the same name
if l_chain is not None and h_chain.upper() == l_chain.upper():
pathologic = True
h_chain = h_chain.upper()
l_chain = h_chain.lower()
elif antigen_chains is not None and self.affinity_entries_only is False and (h_chain.upper() in antigen_chains or (l_chain is not None and l_chain.upper() in antigen_chains)):
pathologic = True
h_chain = h_chain.lower()
if l_chain is not None:
l_chain = l_chain.lower()
pathologic = False
# Checks for matching identifiers
if pathologic:
if 'X' not in antigen_chains:
new_hchain = 'X'
new_hchain = 'W'
if 'Y' not in antigen_chains:
new_lchain = 'Y'
new_lchain = 'Z'
new_hchain = h_chain
new_lchain = l_chain
# Obtaining lines for the heavy chain variable region first
for i, line in enumerate(content[header_lines:]):
if line[chain_range].find(h_chain) != -1 and int(line[res_range]) in h_range:
if (line[res_extra_letter] == ' ' or keepABC == True) and line.find('HETATM') == -1:
if lresidues == True:
full_res = line[res_range] + line[res_extra_letter]
if pathologic:
full_res = new_hchain + full_res
full_res = line[chain_range] + full_res
full_res = amino_acid_dictionary[line[residue_type_range]] + full_res
if full_res != list_residues[-1]:
# This separation ensures that heavy chain residues are enlisted first
if l_chain is not None:
for i, line in enumerate(content[header_lines:]):
if line[chain_range].find(l_chain) != -1 and int(line[res_range]) in l_range:
if (line[res_extra_letter] == ' ' or keepABC == True) and line.find('HETATM') == -1:
if lresidues == True:
full_res = line[res_range] + line[res_extra_letter]
if pathologic:
full_res = new_lchain + full_res
full_res = line[chain_range] + full_res
full_res = amino_acid_dictionary[line[residue_type_range]] + full_res
if full_res != list_residues[-1]:
if lresidues == True:
# Obtaining antigen(s)
for i, line in enumerate(content[header_lines:]):
if any(line[chain_range] in agc for agc in antigen_chains) and h_chain not in antigen_chains and l_chain not in antigen_chains:
if lresidues == True:
full_res = line[chain_range] + line[res_range] + line[res_extra_letter]
if line[residue_type_range] in amino_acid_dictionary:
full_res = amino_acid_dictionary[line[residue_type_range]] + full_res
if full_res != list_residues[-1]:
# List with name of every residue is saved if selected
saving_path = rpath + path[-8:-4] + '.npy'
#if not os.path.exists(saving_path):
np.save(saving_path, list_residues)
# Creating new file
with open(new_path, 'w') as f_new:
f_new.writelines([content[l] for l in idx_list[:header_lines_important[-1]]])
if l_chain is not None and self.alphafold is False:
f_new.writelines([content[l][:h_pos]+new_hchain+content[l][h_pos+1:l_pos]+new_lchain+content[l][l_pos+1:] for l in idx_list[header_lines_important[-1]:header_lines_important[-1]+1]])
f_new.writelines([content[l][:h_pos]+new_hchain+content[l][h_pos+1:] for l in idx_list[header_lines_important[-1]:header_lines_important[-1]+1]])
f_new.writelines([content[l][:start_chain-5]+' '+content[l][start_chain-4:start_chain]+new_hchain+content[l][start_chain+1:] for l in idx_list[header_lines_important[-1]+1:]])
if l_chain is not None:
f_new.writelines([content[l][:start_chain-5]+' '+content[l][start_chain-4:start_chain]+new_lchain+content[l][start_chain+1:] for l in idx_list_l])
if not self.ag_agnostic:
f_new.writelines([content[l] for l in idx_list_antigen])
if not self.cmaps:
f_new.writelines([content[l] for l in range(len(content)) if content[l][0:6] == 'HETATM' and content[l][chain_range] in [h_chain, l_chain] and l not in idx_list+idx_list_l+idx_list_antigen])
def generate_maps(self):
r"""Generates the Normal Mode correlation maps.
for i, entry in enumerate(self.entries):
file_name = entry + self.selection
path = self.structures_path + file_name + self.file_type_input
new_path = self.dccm_map_path + entry
self.generate_fv_pdb(self.structures_path+entry+self.file_type_input, lresidues=True)
if not self.cmaps: # and len(np.load(self.residues_path + path[-11:-7] + '.npy')) > 500:
subprocess.call(['/usr/local/bin/RScript', str(self.scripts_path)+'pdb_to_dccm.r', str(path), str(new_path), str(self.modes)], shell=True, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
#elif not self.cmaps:
# print(path[-11:-7])
# subprocess.call(['/usr/local/bin/RScript', str(self.scripts_path)+'pdb_to_dccm_aa.r', str(path), str(new_path), str(self.modes)], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
subprocess.call(['python', str(self.scripts_path)+'generate_contact_maps.py', str(path), str(new_path), str(self.cmaps_thr)], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
if os.path.exists(path):
if i % 25 == 0:
print('Map ' + str(i+1) + ' out of ' + str(len(self.entries)) + ' processed.')
def get_lists_of_lengths(self, selected_entries):
r"""Retrieves lists with the lengths of the heavy and light chains.
selected_entries: list
PDB valid entries.
heavy: list
Lengths of the heavy chains. In the context of the prediction stage, this list has one element.
light: list
Lengths of the light chains. In the context of the prediction stage, this list has one element.
selected_entries: list
PDB valid entries. In the context of the prediction stage, this list has one element.
heavy = []
light = []
if self.stage == 'training':
rpath = self.residues_path
rpath = self.test_residues_path
for entry in selected_entries:
list_of_residues = list(np.load(rpath+entry+'.npy'))[1:]
chain_pos = 0
if 'END-Ab' in list_of_residues:
list_of_residues = list_of_residues[:list_of_residues.index('END-Ab')]
chain_pos = 1
list_of_residues = list_of_residues[:-1]
h_chain = list_of_residues[0][chain_pos]
l_chain = list_of_residues[-1][chain_pos]
heavy.append(len([idx for idx in list_of_residues if idx[chain_pos] == h_chain]))
if h_chain != l_chain:
light.append(len([idx for idx in list_of_residues if idx[chain_pos] == l_chain]))
return heavy, light, selected_entries
def get_max_min_chains(self):
r"""Returns the longest and shortest possible chains.
max_res_list_h = []
max_res_list_l = []
for f in self.file_residues_paths:
shift = 0
if 'END-Ab' in np.load(f):
shift = 1
idx = self.selected_entries.index(f[-8:-4])
current_list_h = np.load(f)[1:self.heavy[idx]+1]
current_list_l = np.load(f)[self.heavy[idx]+1:self.heavy[idx]+self.light[idx]+1]
current_list_h = [x[1+shift:] for x in current_list_h]
current_list_l = [x[1+shift:] for x in current_list_l]
max_res_list_h += list(set(current_list_h).difference(max_res_list_h))
max_res_list_l += list(set(current_list_l).difference(max_res_list_l))
max_res_list_h = sorted(max_res_list_h, key=remove_abc)
min_res_list_h = list(dict.fromkeys([x for x in max_res_list_h]))
max_res_list_h = [x.strip() for x in max_res_list_h]
max_res_list_l = sorted(max_res_list_l, key=remove_abc)
min_res_list_l = list(dict.fromkeys([x for x in max_res_list_l]))
max_res_list_l = [x.strip() for x in max_res_list_l]
for f in self.file_residues_paths:
shift = 0
if 'END-Ab' in f:
shift = 1
idx = self.selected_entries.index(f[-8:-4])
current_list_h = np.load(f)[1:self.heavy[idx]+1]
current_list_l = np.load(f)[self.heavy[idx]+1:self.heavy[idx]+self.light[idx]+1]
current_list_h = [x[1+shift:] for x in current_list_h]
current_list_l = [x[1+shift:] for x in current_list_l]
min_res_list_h = sorted(list(set(current_list_h).intersection(min_res_list_h)))
min_res_list_l = sorted(list(set(current_list_l).intersection(min_res_list_l)))
min_res_list_h = [x.strip() for x in min_res_list_h]
min_res_list_l = [x.strip() for x in min_res_list_l]
return max_res_list_h, max_res_list_l, min_res_list_h, min_res_list_l
def initialisation(self, renew_maps, renew_residues):
r"""Computes the normal mode correlation maps and retrieves lists with the lengths of the heavy and light chains.
renew_maps: bool
Compute all the normal mode correlation maps.
renew_residues: bool
Retrieve the lists of residues for each entry.
heavy: list
Lengths of the heavy chains.
light: list
Lengths of the light chains.
selected_entries: list
PDB valid entries.
if renew_maps:
dccm_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.dccm_map_path, '*.npy')))
selected_entries = [dccm_paths[i][-8:-4] for i in range(len(dccm_paths))]
if renew_residues:
heavy, light, selected_entries = self.get_lists_of_lengths(selected_entries)
np.save(self.chain_lengths_path+'heavy_lengths.npy', heavy)
np.save(self.chain_lengths_path+'light_lengths.npy', light)
np.save(self.chain_lengths_path+'selected_entries.npy', selected_entries)
heavy = np.load(self.chain_lengths_path+'heavy_lengths.npy').astype(int)
light = np.load(self.chain_lengths_path+'light_lengths.npy').astype(int)
assert list(np.load(self.chain_lengths_path+'selected_entries.npy')) == selected_entries
for entry in selected_entries:
residues = list(np.load(self.residues_path+entry+'.npy'))
if 'END-Ab' in residues:
assert len(residues[:residues.index('END-Ab')])-1 == heavy[selected_entries.index(entry)] + light[selected_entries.index(entry)]
return heavy, light, selected_entries
def generate_masked_image(self, img, idx, test_h=None, test_l=None):
r"""Generates a masked normal mode correlation map
img: numpy.ndarray
Original array containing no blank pixels.
idx: int
Input index.
test_h: int
Length of the heavy chain of an antibody in the test set.
test_l: int
Length of the light chain of an antibody in the test set.
masked: numpy.ndarray
Masked normal mode correlation map.
mask: numpy.ndarray
Mask itself.
if self.stage == 'training':
f = self.file_residues_paths[idx]
elif self.alphafold is False:
f = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.test_residues_path, '*'+self.test_pdb_id+'.npy')))[0]
f = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.test_residues_path, '*'+self.test_pdb_id[:-3]+'.npy')))[0] # removing '_af' suffix
antigen_max_pixels = self.ag_residues
f_res = np.load(f)
# We force unique elements
self.max_res_list_h = list(dict.fromkeys(self.max_res_list_h))
self.max_res_list_l = list(dict.fromkeys(self.max_res_list_l))
max_res_h = len(self.max_res_list_h)
max_res_l = len(self.max_res_list_l)
max_res = max_res_h + max_res_l
masked = np.zeros((max_res+antigen_max_pixels, max_res+antigen_max_pixels))
mask = np.zeros((max_res+antigen_max_pixels, max_res+antigen_max_pixels))
if self.stage != 'training':
h = test_h
l = test_l
current_idx = self.selected_entries.index(f[-8:-4])
h = self.heavy[current_idx]
l = self.light[current_idx]
current_list_h = f_res[1:h+1]
shift = len(f_res[1][:f_res[1].find(' ')])
current_list_h = [x[shift:].strip() for x in current_list_h] # First letter is the type of amino acid and second letter is the chain ID
current_list_l = f_res[h+1:h+l+1]
current_list_l = [x[shift:].strip() for x in current_list_l]
idx_list = [i for i in range(max_res_h) if self.max_res_list_h[i] in current_list_h]
idx_list += [i+max_res_h for i in range(max_res_l) if self.max_res_list_l[i] in current_list_l]
idx_list += [i+max_res_h+max_res_l for i in range(min(antigen_max_pixels, img.shape[-1]-(h+l)))]
for k, i in enumerate(idx_list):
for l, j in enumerate(idx_list):
masked[i, j] = img[k, l]
mask[i, j] = 1
return masked, mask
def load_training_images(self):
r"""Returns the input/output pairs of the model and their corresponding labels.
imgs = []
raw_imgs = []
kds = []
labels = []
file_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.dccm_map_path, '*.npy')))
for f in file_paths:
pdb_id = f[-8:-4]
if pdb_id in self.selected_entries and pdb_id not in self.pathological:
raw_sample = np.load(f)
idx = self.entries.index(pdb_id)
idx_new = self.selected_entries.index(pdb_id)
imgs.append(self.generate_masked_image(raw_sample, idx_new)[0])
if self.affinity_entries_only:
assert labels == [item for item in self.selected_entries if item not in self.pathological]
#for pdb in self.selected_entries:
# if pdb not in self.pathological and self.affinity_entries_only:
# assert np.float16(10**kds[[item for item in self.selected_entries if item not in self.pathological].index(pdb)] == np.float16(self.df[self.df['pdb']==pdb]['affinity'])).all()
return np.array(imgs), np.array(kds), labels, raw_imgs
def load_test_image(self):
r"""Returns a test normal mode correlation map which is masked according to the existing residues in the training set.
pdb_id = self.test_pdb_id
if self.alphafold is True:
h, l, _ = self.get_lists_of_lengths(selected_entries=str(pdb_id[:-3]).split())
h = h[0]
l = l[0]
hupsymchain = 1 + h
lupsymchain = 1 + l
lresidues = False
hupsymchain = None
lupsymchain = None
lresidues = True
# Generating the normal mode correlation map
file_name = pdb_id + self.selection
path = self.test_structure_path + file_name + self.file_type_input
new_path = self.test_dccm_map_path + pdb_id
self.generate_fv_pdb(self.test_structure_path+pdb_id+self.file_type_input, lresidues=lresidues, hupsymchain=hupsymchain, lupsymchain=lupsymchain)
subprocess.call(['/usr/local/bin/RScript '+str(self.scripts_path)+'pdb_to_dccm.r '+str(path)+' '+str(new_path)+' '+str(self.modes)], shell=True, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
if os.path.exists(path):
# Getting lengths, residues and masking
file_path = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.test_dccm_map_path, '*'+pdb_id+'.npy')))
for f in file_path:
raw_sample = np.load(f)
if self.alphafold is False:
h, l, _ = self.get_lists_of_lengths(selected_entries=str(pdb_id).split())
h = h[0]
l = l[0]
return self.generate_masked_image(raw_sample, 0, test_h=int(h), test_l=int(l))[0]